The song lyrics on this site use a transliteration scheme attributed to Avinash Chopde, the ITRANS scheme. The ITRANS software and the font used are copyrights of Avinash.

Get more details about ITRANS at Avinash' ITRANS page.

Given below is a description of the transliteration scheme, the specifics of the ASCII-Devnagari mapping and an example file.

Avinash Chopde, Feb 1995
<[email protected]>
This is the transliteration scheme used by ITRANS version 4.00 (and
higher). If you encounter any text that uses this scheme, that text
can be printed in the devanagari script using the ITRANS package.

a      aa or A    i      ii or I    u        uu or U
R^i    R^I        L^i    L^I
e      ai         o      au         aM       aH

k     kh     g     gh     N^
ch    chh    j     jh     JN
T     Th     D     Dh     N
t     th     d     dh     n
p     ph     b     bh     m
y     r      l     v
sh    shh    s     h
L     x (or ksh)   GY     shr

Consonants with a nukta (dot) under them (mainly for Urdu devanagari):
k  with a dot:      q
kh with a dot:      K
g  with a dot:      G
j  with a dot:      z
p  with a dot:      f
D  with a dot:      .D
Dh with a dot:      .Dh

Anusvara:       .n, M   (dot on top of previous askhar *--see note at end)
Avagraha:       .a    (S like symbol basically to replace a after o)
Ardhachandra:   .c    (for vowel sound as in cat or talk)
Chandra-Bindu:  .N    (chandra-bindu on top of previous akshar)
Halant:         .h    (to get half-form of the consonant - no vowel - virama)
Ra ligature:    .r    (top curve as in ii to get r sound, half r)
                      (.r put after the intended consonant, e.g u{dhva}.r)
Visarga:        H     (visarga - looks like a colon character)
Om:             OM, AUM (Om symbol)

 Consonants have been shown without any vowel, add suffix "a" to produce
 a normal consonant, example, "jaya" or "jay" for (JA)-(YA), etc.
 Watch out for ambiguous input: use _ to break lexical scans, example:
 use "ga_ii" instead of "gaii" when you need (GA)-(VOWEL ii), because "gaii"
 will be parsed as (GA with dependent VOWEL ai)-(VOWEL i)!
 But in most cases the _ is not needed...
Each devanagari letter is constructed as C + C + C + .. + V
(one or more consonants, followed by a vowel).
If the vowel is omitted at the end of a word, the "a" vowel will be
assumed (use halant - .h to get the short form of the consonant - which
is a consonant without any vowel, ex: k.h).
Punctuation available:
,    ;    :    /    ?    !    (    )
Note that hyphen (-) is not available --- use \- in the indian text to get
a hyphen. Also, use \. to get period (.), for Danda, use | or a period.

Example text:

% From: [email protected] (C. S. Sudarshana Bhat)

    siine me.n jalan aa.Nkho.n me.n tuufaan saa kyuu.N hai
    is shahar me.n har shaKs pareshaan saa kyuu.N hai

    dil hai to dha.Dakane kaa bahaanaa koI Dhuu.nDhe
    patthar kii tarah behis\-o\-bejaan saa kyuu.N hai

    tanahaaI kii ye kaun sii ma.nzil hai rafiiqo.n
    taa\-hadd\-e\-nazar ek bayaabaan saa kyuu.N hai

    kyaa koI naI baat nazar aatii hai ham me.n
    aaInaa hame.n dekh ke hairaan saa kyuu.N hai